Learn to move people to act — in print and online
In all economic times, the communicators who thrive — and those who help their organizations thrive — are the ones who know how to write copy that sells: not just products and services, but programs, plans and positions, as well.

Let’s face it: Organizations can’t afford to communicate just to get the word out. They need communicators who know how to move the needle on the bottom line.
Sadly, most communicators were taught to report and inform, not to write copy that moves readers to act. In fact, many of the standard practices in business communication and PR writing today actually do more to put readers off than to persuade them.
But now there’s a way to become one of the small minority of communicators who know how to write copy that catches readers …
In April, just 60 writers will have a chance to write copy
that catches readers at my two-day Master Class.
In this class, you’ll learn how to:
- Get readers to 1) pay attention to your message, 2) understand it, 3) remember it and 4) act on it. That — not merely getting the word out — is your four-part job description. You either achieve it or you don’t.
In this class, you’ll learn to ditch outdated writing practices that actually annoy, rather than attract, readers. You’ll leave with fresh techniques based on relevant research that you can use to reach and sway your audiences.
- Build your business or boost your career with top-level writing skills. As I work with communication departments throughout North America, I hear executives rant about the dearth of writing skills in business communications.
When your management team meets to discuss cutbacks or promotions, do you want to be the communicator with the most Pinterest followers — or the one who knows how to write copy that changes reader behavior?
- Slash the time it takes to write. Writing isn’t a matter of talent, it’s a matter of tricks. The more tricks you have, the more confident you are. The faster you can make decisions, because you know what works. The less time you spend agonizing over your copy, knowing something’s wrong but not knowing how to fix it.
In this class, you’ll stuff your writer’s toolbox with tricks and techniques, systems and formulas. They’ll help you write better, easier and faster.
- Stop spending your life begging for approvals. Communicators struggle with the approval process in part because we aren’t very good at explaining the art and science of writing. (Isn’t that ironic?) The ability to talk about what works and why — and to back that talk up with proven, scientific evidence — is one of the best ways I know to gain more control in the approval process.
In this class, you’ll learn about relevant research you can use to support your points and sell your approaches to management.
In two days, you’ll have time to cram your writer’s tool bag with tricks — hard-to-find but easy-to-implement techniques that will make your copy more persuasive, make your writing decisions easier and give you the information you need to have a successful conversation with management about what works in writing and why.
If you’re a good writer, this Master Class will quickly equip you with a bigger, better bag of writing tricks. If you’re struggling, the program can give you the tools you need to get up to speed almost immediately.
Wherever you are on the learning curve, you’ll be a much better writer when you walk out the door at the end of this class. See you on April 29!