… instead of for flippers and skimmers?
Your audience members are just like you. They don’t read most messages word for word. They skim. They scan. They look.
Indeed, even the most sophisticated web visitors read only about 20% of the words on a webpage (Nielsen-Norman Group). (And that’s probably not the first 20% of the words on the page!)
Your readers aren’t “readers.” They’re flippers and skimmers.
So instead of writing to be read, write to be skimmed. How can you reach nonreaders with words?
Are you so focused on reaching readers that you fail to get the word out to your actual audience — the large and growing percentage of people who don’t read most of the paragraphs?
If so, contact me. I’ll help your team members Write for Flippers and Skimmers so you can make every piece you write easier to read and understand.