1 quote, 1 stat, 1 tip & 1 tool for adapting to AI

1. Stat
ChatGPT currently has an IQ of 155. Einstein’s IQ was 162. By the end of next year, AI will have an IQ of 1500. — Futurist John Sanei
2. Quote
“Embrace AI as a collaborator, not a competitor.” — Robin Bordoli, chief executive officer, CrowdFlower
3. Tip
Here are four ways to collaborate with AI:

4. Tool
- Have you tried Perplexity, Claude, DALL-E 3, Beautiful.ai, Pi,Copilot or Llama?
- Learn How to Use AI to Write.
- Schedule one-on-one or group coaching sessions.
Please let me know how you’re using AI. I’d love to share ideas with you!
➕ This …
No, I didn’t win Gold in Paris … But I did bring home a medal from the National Speaker’s Associations Influence conference in Denver last week. I’m the newest Certified Speaking Professional. There are fewer than 800 of us in the world, and I’m happy to join the tribe.