1 quote, 1 stat, 1 tip & 1 tool for Reaching Readers Online
1. Stat
Mobile web visitors spend 74% of their time on the first two mobile screens, according to the Nielsen Norman Group.
2. Quote
“Clap your hands twice. The interval between claps is one beat. That’s how long you have to command attention on a screen.” — Fast Company
3. Tip
Pass the 1-2-3-4 Test: Make sure you get your key messages across in the first four elements of the screen: 1) Headline, 2) Deck, that one-sentence summary after the headline; 3) Lead paragraph; 4) Nut graph.
4. Tool
- Learn more ways to get the word out above the fold on mobile.
- Reach Readers Online with our web-writing workshop..
- Schedule one-on-one or group coaching sessions.