Does grinning face have a place in your marketing emails?
Oh, those darling emojis: red heart, face with tears of joy, naughty eggplant. Surely they have a use in subject lines for marketing emails.

Indeed, they do, say the authors of Marketing Email and Newsletter Design. Emojis in subject lines can:
- Draw attention to your message in a crowded inbox
- Help communicate the topic of your email
- Add emotion and context to a message
- Replace words — a heart for love, for instance — if used carefully
But beware. Emojis:
- Can be hard to distinguish on a desktop — let alone smartphone — screen
- May not be correctly displayed across all email clients, browsers and devices
- Might confuse people unless you choose only very familiar emojis
- Might be seen as mass mail and “marketese”
Still, used carefully, why not give them a go? At least A/B test emojis and find out whether they work for you.
How can you get your emails opened?
Your subject line is only one of four elements recipients consider before deciding whether to open or click.
If you’re only writing the subject line, you’re losing 75% of your chance to get opened.
Learn to address all four elements of “the envelope” at Think Inside the Inbox, our email-newsletter- and email-marketing-writing workshop that begins Oct. 17.
Plus: Learn how to write email subject lines that get clicked, how to increase campaign revenue by 760% by going beyond personalized emails, and how one organization multiplied campaign success by 1,000% by adding one more data point to tailored emails.
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