Write in verbs, not nouns
Remember Verb, the superhero on “Schoolhouse Rock”? He was great because he could do so many things.

His theme song went like this:
I get my thing in action (Verb!)
To be, to sing, to feel, to live (Verb!)
That’s what’s happenin’
I put my heart in action (Verb!)
To run, to go, to get, to give (Verb!)
(You’re what’s happenin’)
Well, guess what? Benefits are verbs, not nouns. So when you’re writing about things, you’re not writing about benefits.
“Would you rather read a letter labeled ‘Dues Notice’ or ‘Get many new support, educational and marketing opportunities for the coming year’?” asks Jeffrey Gitomer, principal of BuyGitomer Inc.
Your conference isn’t a benefit. Your speakers aren’t benefits. Your product isn’t a benefit. Neither are your services, programs or ideas.
What those things will do for the reader is the benefit.
And that takes Verb.
Put Verb in the headline.
The headline writer for this conference ad almost got it right. The deck — that essential one-sentence summary under the headline — is a benefit. How do we know? It starts with a benefits-focused verb:
Revitalize your sexuality and justify your chocolate obsession
Sounds good to me. But the headline — “Women’s Health Conference” — is a yawner. So is the tertiary head naming the speakers. That’s because the conference and speakers are features, not benefits.
Put Verb in the display copy.
Want to get your readers to read what you want them to read and to do what you want them to do? Write in benefits, not features.
And that takes Verb, not Noun.
How can you reach non-readers with words?
“Readers” don’t read. Even highly educated web visitors read fewer than 20% of the words on a page.
So how do you reach “readers” who won’t read your paragraphs?
Learn how to reach people who spend only two minutes — or even just 10 seconds — with your message at Catch Your Readers, our persuasive-writing workshop, starting May 16.
There, you’ll learn how to put your key messages where your readers’ eyes are. You’ll discover how deliver your key ideas to people who don’t read the paragraphs. And you’ll find out how to draw even reluctant audience members into your message.
Save up to $100 with our group discounts.