Top 3 characteristics that make posts go viral
Have you seen the piece about the orphan baby kangaroo and wombat who become BFFs? They also have a baby wallaby friend. Because of course they do.

It’s obvious why these bundles of joey are making the rounds on Facebook. But how can you use the same approaches to make your content marketing messages travel the world, while others just languish on the couch?
Write a blog post that’s positive and emotional, suggest Jonah Berger and Katherine L. Milkman, two professors at the University of Pennsylvania.
Increase your chances of going viral by increasing these characteristics of your blog post:
1. Anger
This emotion is 34% more likely to go viral. That’s equivalent to spending an additional 2.9 hours as the lead story on The New York Times site. And that’s nearly four times the average number of hours articles spend in that position.
Sample headline:
What Red Ink? Wall Street Paid Hefty Bonuses
To tap this No. 1 technique for getting your audience to read your posts and pass them on:
- Don’t be afraid of fear appeals. Negative benefits can be more effective than positive ones.
- Make ’em sick, make ’em well. Show how your organization solves the problems that make readers angry.
2. Awe
This emotion is 30% more likely to go viral:
Rare Treatment Is Reported to Cure AIDS Patient
The Promise and Power of RNA
That makes awe the No. 2 emotion we can tap to make messages go viral. Call it The Awwwww Factor. To make your messages awe inspiring:
- Write about animals. Do you have a Ben the Bear story in your organization?
- Write about people. Try human-interest stories.
- Tell stories. Storytelling is the most effective way to add positive emotion to your content.
3. Practical value
This characteristic is 30% more likely to go viral:
Voter Resources
It Comes in Beige or Black, but You Make It Green
Write how-to stories, tipsheets and other news readers can use to live their lives better.
How can you write content readers want to read?
There’s a lot of ME in social MEdia. And there’s a great big I in TwItter. No wonder social media thought leader Brian Solis calls content marketing the egosystem.
You’ll learn to your company as the expert in the field. Find out how to make sure your posts are welcome guests and not intrusive pests. And discover the power of the most-retweeted word in the English language.
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