… to learn to Catch Your Readers in New York, Oct. 28-29
Consider the issues:
- The secret to writing to get read is to position your messages in your reader's best interest. Yet most writers position their messages in their organization's best interest. Which approach do you use?
- Our old friend the inverted pyramid has been proven in the lab to reduce readership, understanding and engagement, according to the The Poynter Institute and The Readership Institute, among others. Are you still using this news structure that, researchers say, does “not work well with readers”?
- Sixty percent of your audience members aren't reading your messages, according to two professors at the University of Missouri. Are you crafting your messages to communicate key ideas to people who won’t read your paragraphs?
Too many professional communicators still rely on outdated Writing 101 techniques that, frankly, don’t work. But you’re a Wylie’s Writing Tips subscriber. You’re one of the handful of communicators who works hard to master the latest, proven-in-the-lab best practices for Catching Your Readers.
If you’d like to stand out from the Writing 101 crowd, please join me at “Catch Your Readers,” a two-day writer’s Master Class on Oct. 28 and 29 in New York.

Fill your toolbox with tricks.
In two days, you'll have time to cram your writer's tool bag with tricks — hard-to-find but easy-to-implement techniques that will help you:
- Think Like a Reader: Learn to move people to act
- Go Beyond the Inverted Pyramid: Master a structure that’s been proven in the lab to reach more readers
- Make Your Copy More Creative: Engage your readers with storytelling, analogy and wordplay
- Get the Word Out On the Web: Overcome the obstacles of reading on the screen
- Reach Readers via Social Media: Write copy that gets clicked, read, shared and liked
- Cut Through the Clutter: Make every piece you write measurably easier to read and understand
- Lift Your Ideas Off the Page Or Screen: Reach flippers and skimmers, increase readership
If you're a good writer, this Master Class will quickly equip you with a bigger, better bag of writing tricks. If you're struggling, the program can give you the tools you need to get up to speed almost immediately.
Wherever you are in your writing journey, in this workshop, you will:
- Learn the latest, proven-in-the-lab approaches for getting readers to pay attention to your message, understand it, remember it and act on it.
- Find out how to ditch outdated writing practices that actually annoy, rather than attract, readers.
- Get the information you need to have a successful conversation with management about what works in writing and why.
- Leave with fresh techniques based on relevant research that you can use to reach and sway your audiences.
Meet me in New York.
New York has long been the center of the American literary universe. It’s the city of Walt Whitman, Edith Wharton, Henry Miller, Philip Roth. It’s home to The New York Times, Reader’s Digest and The Huffington Post.
The city is teeming with good writing juju — so much so that you can virtually feel your writing muscles grow while you’re sitting in a Greenwich Village bar or sipping champagne at The Algonquin. (Now that’s my idea of a writing workout!)

Why not make a long weekend of it? I, for one, will be staying after the workshop to walk the High Line, shop Madison Avenue consignment shops, have lunch at Bouley, see “This Is Our Youth” on Broadway and catch the Henri Matisse Cut-Outs show at the Museum of Modern Art.
Maybe we’ll run into each other!
Save $100 or more, earn a bonus.
I have no doubt that the Master Class will be the best money you invest this year on your professional development. But here’s how to save money or boost your return on investment:
- Save when you bring a friend with our group discounts. Get $50 off both tickets when you bring one friend. Save $100 each when you bring two or more friends.
- Get a free, four-month subscription to Rev Up Readership — a $100 value — if you're one of the first 20 to register. (Already a member? If you're among the first 20, you'll get a free, three-month extension to your membership.)
- Can’t make it to the workshop yourself? Get a free, four-month subscription to Rev Up Readership — a $100 value — when you refer your friends to the workshop. When your friends register, have them choose “Friend/colleague” from the “How did you hear about us?” drop-down menu, then put your name in the box below. That's it! Your free membership will begin the day after the workshop.
Interested? Contact me directly or register now.
Time is running out …
At this point, most of the seats for this workshop have been taken.
Would you like to snag one of the remaining seats? Contact me directly or register now. But do it soon: We expect the workshop to sell out entirely before registration closes at 8 a.m. on Oct 28.
At the workshop, you’ll find out why Amy Kappler, communications specialist, Burgess and Niple, said of my Master Class: You’ll get “a semester's worth of knowledge in a few hours.”
I look forward to seeing you there!