Save $200 when you register by March 15
Would you like to learn to write better copy, faster? Reach more readers? Come up with more creative ideas?

If so, please join me at Catch Your Readers, my two-day Master Class in Kansas City (April 29-30) and Portland, Ore. (July 23-24).
Rev Up Readership members save $100 on registration — $200 if you register by March 15. Plus, you’ll get a free, three-month extension to your Rev Up Readership membership (a $97 value) if you’re among the first 20 to register.
Another reason it pays to be fast …
Our training room — an absolutely perfect facility for learning — is comfortable and convenient. However, it’s not huge. So I’m afraid the Master Class is strictly limited to the first 60 people who register.
Unfortunately, if yours is the 61st registration we receive, we’ll have to tell you we’re sorry, but we’re full. Last time I presented a Master Class — five years ago — it sold out almost immediately. We expect this program to fill up quickly, too. And who knows when we’ll put on another one?
To avoid being disappointed, please register now.